Pagan Community Retreat, formerly known as Pacific Circle Revival, is an opportunity for us to gather in the outdoors and reset our connection with nature and a variety of our deities that are aligned with it. Many of us have a deep connection with the land through our spiritual practices but aren’t often able to move that practice into nature and make outdoor altars.

Over the years, we have enjoyed altars of many sorts, some are personal, some have been created collaboratively with the community. Some of these altars are created by our presenters for specific rituals. Some are simply altars show in the backdrop of our beautiful natural surroundings. Some are built into the landscape. Others are made from the landscape. All are reflections of how we have honored the sacred at PCR.

Many of our PCR events have included an event altar in which we welcomed all attendees to add items . This is the Summer Solstice Altar at Bandido in 2015.

Looks like some gnomes crashed our party! One year we hosted a gnome hunt for the kids. If they found all of the gnomes and stamped their map they could claim a prize.

Sometimes the best altar is simply an offering. Like this offering to Aphrodite before Solstice ritual honoring Aphrodite and Dionysus with Twilight Spiral Coven in 2015.

This is an example of a personal altar set up right outside a camp tent flap. One of our favorite things to do is explore the campground for these!

This altar was for a ritual to find attendees animal totems and to allow them to deepen relationships with them.

For our Partnership with Nature theme we made the altar primarily from items found onsite.

As you can see it was a wild one and a lot of fun to construct.

This is a working altar set up by a herbalist and maker. They come in all types at PCR.

We can’t wait to see your outdoor altars! Share in the comments below.

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