Greetings as we celebrate the returning light and New Year!

PCR 2022 Logo

Your PCR planning committee is VERY busy this year as we are adjusting our planning for an APRIL event, instead of June. This is in response to your requests for cooler temps, and we are crossing fingers that Gaia will cooperate over the Earth Day weekend of April 22-24, 2022.

We are increasing our attendance, but it is still limited, so don’t delay in registering if you have not already done so at: Remember that kids 17 and under are FREE, but must be accompanied by their legal guardian(s). We also have more space for RV’s, with no hookups, but we do require registration to manage occupancy.

If you haven’t joined us at DowntoEarth EcoShire, you are in for a treat. The staff are fantastic, we have running water (but still want to be conservation minded), both flush and composting toilets, showers and over 35 acres to enjoy. They also have meal options, that we will be sharing in early Feb, to make the weekend even easier to enjoy, with no cooking or clean-up required. They have found that providing these options uses less water and trash resources on-site. We will be accommodating as many food requirements as possible, such as Vegan and Gluten free options and are mindful about the additional cost for participants.

We are excited about this year’s presentations, both workshops and rituals. We are limiting each presenter to one thing, so they can pay more attention to being a participant at PCR! This means we are looking for a wider variety of presenters and presentations. You must be a registered attendee, either for the weekend or for a day, to present at our PCR community building event. We would love to have you share your practice, a creative activity, or a ritual, please submit your offering here:

We are an outdoor event with approximately 200 attendees located in Riverside county. We are monitoring local and state health requirements for health and safety. At this time, we are not requiring masks or proof of vaccine, but reserve the right to change that, as public policies may change before the event. All attendees are supported in their choice to mask or not, being mindful of personal space and distancing. Running water and hand washing stations will be available throughout the site.

Making a community event like PCR happen, requires a lot of volunteers, we hope you will be willing to share a bit of time over the weekend helping the planning committee on-site. From picking up trash, security and manning the information booth, we have all found that volunteering is a great way to meet new people and build relationships that last beyond the campout…it’s how most of us got on the planning committee! Here is a link for more info about volunteering, we should have a sign up online soon.

A final note, our sponsorship program helps keep our costs to participants as reasonable as possible. We have three levels of sponsorship that are all cost effective for the event and the sponsor. We appreciate all those who have signed up to sponsor PCR 2022. We would encourage others to consider it as well, both those attending and those who cannot attend, but would like to support our event. For more info about sponsorship,

All the shared links, are to the new website, please take a moment to check it out and if you have questions, please let us know. We are also on Facebook and Instagram, follow us and share with your friends and followers. We also have a PCR focused FB group called “PCR Camping” look for it and join us there to connect throughout the year.

Looking forward to seeing you all in April,

Krystal Rains

PCR 2022 Event Director

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