We recognize that medical treatment is a decision between individuals and their health care professionals. As such, we will not require COVID-19 vaccinations for PCR 2022. If new information or legal or contractual mandates require us to change this policy we will notify all and allow for refunds as indicated in the communications. At this time, based upon CDC recommendations for outdoor events we will not be requiring masks at activities. This policy is also subject to change based upon changing situations, or legal or contractual mandates. If the masking policy changes we will not be making refund allowances.

To reiterate the refund possibilities, if there is a change to the vaccination policy we WILL provide refunds. If there is a change to the masking policy we WILL NOT provide refunds.

You can find a complete list of PCR policies on our about us page.

One thought on “PCR 2022 COVID-19 Policy

  1. Chris says:

    I will not be comfortable with attending unless masks are required at activities.

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