by Chaw Moon-Starwell at our 2020 Camp-in

Come join our Camp-in with a Facebook LIVE workshop by Chaw Moon-Starwell to learn about making mead!

Watch the video here!

Make you own Mead! This workshop will teach you the low tech way to brew your own mead at home! Use your own mead for offering to spirits or have it be the talk of the sabbath or festival. The process of mead making will be demonstrated. Please follow local, state, and federal laws always.

A little bit about the presenter:

Chaw Moon-Starwell is a Committee Member of Pacific Circle Revival, as well as Co-founder and active High Priestess for Wisdom Council of the Starlit Well (a collective-path Coven providing public rituals and events, ministry and healing services.) She was born in Los Angeles, has her Bachelor’s in Architecture and Art History and actively studying and practicing witchcraft for over 15 years. She is a medium, teacher and artist and feels like there is always more to learn and share.

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