ebb and flowRobert will give a lecture and some exercises on how to take the power back in your journey if you have lost it and how we can make mojo bags to help. Nationally Certified Medium, Tarot Card, Intuitive, Clairvoyant Reader, through the American Federation of Certified Psychics and Mediums. Robert is a very sensitive Empath, Channeler, and Intuitive reader. He is a 5th generation Medium, Tarot Card, Intuitive reader, White Magical Practitioner, and Spiritual/Energy healer. While receiving a reading or magical services with Robert, he naturally begins sending healing energy during the reading or preparation, so that at the end of the reading/preparation your spirit feels uplifted and lighter. Robert also specializes in areas of need regarding money, prosperity, protections, legal matter, etc. Robert also has over 17 years of experience working with white Latin/Caribbean/European/Folk/Candle/Herbal Magic, from candle dressings, oils, incense, energy and spirit cleansing/healing, house blessings, etc. Robert has been working with his gifts since the early age of 6 years old, which is when he discovered them. Since then he has studied with Shamans, Witches, Light Works and Spiritual Healers to have a better understanding of all aspects of the spiritual world. Robert works solely in the light and works closely with his Spirit Guides, Protectors, Saints, and Ancestors and will NEVER work against anyone’s free will, but will work to help bring forth very clear, healing, and insightful information to all those who seek his help. Lastly, Robert is an Ordained Minister through the Universal Life Church and believes that no matter what we study or practice, we always need God in our life, no matter what form he may come in for each separate individual.

One thought on “The Ebb and Flow of a Witches Journey

  1. An actual witch says:

    How the fuck can you claim to be witches and pagans and then end by bringing “god” into it? No we don’t need that sky demon in our lives, that’s why we aren’t christians. Moron.

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