plant communicationPlants are talking to us all the time, but do you listen? Do you know HOW to listen? Because it’s not enough to open yourself up to plants, you must, as with any friend you meet who speaks a different language, take some time to learn their language. It’s the kind and respectful thing to do. The same is true for plants. If you don’t attempt to learn the language in which they speak, how can you hope to hear them? Join Julie James of the Green Wisdom Herbal Studies in a discussion on how plants communicate with us, how we can open up to what they are saying, and how to respond respectfully and lovingly. Pacific Circle Revival 2018 brings the pagan community together in nature for an enlightening, spiritual, and educational camping experience, all at the time of the Summer Solstice. To find out more about this event, or to register, please check out our website at

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