It’s 10pm on Sunday, April 24th, 2022…all I can say is “What a weekend!”, but really you know me, I have plenty more to say.

Your planning committee arrived on Thursday to set up, knowing there was an incoming rain storm that hit about 2am. The storm came in waves from 2 to about 7am, and Friday was overcast for much of the day, but we were excited to see familiar and new faces as we checked you all in at the info/registration booth.

After getting the first wave of attendees registered we opened the weekend with a ritual in the Circle ‘round area, setting the intention to Renew our connection with the land and our community. After ritual we started the day of workshops with Rick returning with his Practical Dowsing class, Renewing your Magical Community with Jenn Morris and a replacement workshop Wire wrapping with Krystal. A new offering this year was Tarot Bingo with Butterfly Moon as well as Hermetic Alchemy with Devra, one of our Sponsors and Vendors. Jeffrey had a conversation about Dream Incubation and Gina shared a meditation to discover your Power Symbol. Delicious food served by the EcoShire staff was tasty and it made it so easy to enjoy the weekend without cooking and cleanup. The Crooked Mile shared a beautifully crafted ritual and our evening ended with a great talk about Heathenry for Beginners with Gordon that had everyone’s interest around the fire pit.

Day two started with breakfast served by the EcoShire and the opportunity to followup the Dream class one on one with Jeffrey. A delightful presentation on Herbs for Dreaming with Julie James with fun with treats to take away followed by a Sigil Class on Dream Images with Cherise and Ann-Louise. A discussion on tools and other things to be a prepared Witch on the Go with Julie Lovejoy and Micci made silk kites with the young and young at heart! An afternoon ritual with the Dark Mother was facilitated by Ann Finnan followed by a Restorative Yoga workshop with beautiful live harp music with Regan. On Friday I wasn’t sure that it would be possible to do the traditional Chaos Water ritual, but the day dawned bright and sunny. It was toasty by the 3pm start time and we gathered for a fun cooling break for all ages. Allison shared the making of an Ogham stick set and Hauk brought apples to offer to Idunna in a Heathen Blot. After another tasty dinner, we were graced by the talented voice of the Elf Queen herself, bringing magic as she sang under the stars with Uncle Hauk’s accompaniment. The night closed out with an impromptu drum circle.

Sunday is always quick so everyone can break camp and head home, but we enjoyed some of the EcoShire’s famous Capt Crunch french toast with fresh berries. We pulled names for all the fantastic sweepstakes prizes donated by our sponsors and closed with a ritual to ground, center and carry us each, safely, to our mundane lives. For me, the opening and closing rituals are an enclosure, in which I am participating in ritual for the whole weekend.

As the director, I was often pulled in different directions, so I wasn’t able to attend all the events of the day, but even when I wasn’t, saw so many people enjoying the offerings from our community members, engaging in conversations and taking in all the shared knowledge and experience.

Sunday is always quick so everyone can break camp and head home, but we enjoyed some of the EcoShire’s famous Capt Crunch french toast with fresh berries. We pulled names for all the fantastic sweepstakes prizes donated by our sponsors and closed with a ritual to ground, center and carry us each, safely, to our mundane lives. For me, the opening and closing rituals are an enclosure, in which I am participating in ritual for the whole weekend.

More than all the fantastic workshops, events and rituals is the opportunity to connect with other community members and forge new connections. The chance for a paranormal hunt or a new friend who lives nearby are but a few of the magical happenings that are spurred by PCR. In addition I love returning to the DowntoEarth EcoShire site to witness the continued evolution of the site.

One of the most poignant things I heard over the weekend was the idea that all the transformation from a hellish dumping ground to this beautiful welcoming land was symbolically linked to transforming the negativity within himself and he was renewed. As a part of the planning committee I can find no higher praise for our all our efforts to make this event happen.

This year I made the time to trek through the shire and see  altars in other encampments, it is always delightful and I loved seeing that someone even had an Idunna figure in a small grouping on a stump. During that trek I did a bit of nudging the community for new planning committee volunteers and hope to have new voices as we plan for 2023. I encourage you to keep an eye open for the dates and registration opening.

I look forward to seeing you all in the coming year and gathering again to build community at PCR 2023.

Blessings to each of you,
Krystal Rains
PCR Event Director 2021-22

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