PCR is a not for profit unincorporated association. Our mission is to bring the pagan community together, in nature, for an enlightening, spiritual, and educational camping experience enjoyed by pagans and their families.

Sponsors are important to us because they help us subsidize the camp out to keep the cost low as well as introduce our campers to great community resources. We host a sweepstakes type of raffle at the event. All attendees receive an entry to win with the option of purchasing additional tickets. The prizes are displayed throughout the campout. The camper information boards mentioned below are updated daily with the schedule and contain maps and other important camp information.

All sponsor levels are welcome to vend at the event. We are still working out the vending details such as location and hours. In addition to your Sponsorship fee, Down To Earth EcoShire will take a 10% commission of your income.

Click HERE to Buy Now! Stone sponsorship: Sweepstakes donation

Listed in our program

Listed with a link on our website as a sponsor until April of the following year

Sweepstakes promo with a link on social media

Your information on the sweepstakes table

Click HERE to Buy Now! Branch sponsorship: $35 and sweepstakes donation

Listed in our program

A business card listing with link on our website as a sponsor until April of the following year

Ad on social media channels

Sweepstakes promo on social media

Your information on the sweepstakes table

4×5 ad on one of our 4 camper information boards

Click HERE to Buy Now! Sky sponsorship: $75 and sweepstakes donation (4 available)

1 Listed in our program

Frontpage image listing with link on our website as a sponsor until April of the following year (rotating with max of 4)

Ad on social media channels

Sweepstakes promo on social media

Your information on the sweepstakes table

Top banner sponsorship on one of the 4 camper information boards

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