by Chelsea Osbon, Jennifer Morris, and Jeffrey Albaugh

“Whispers of the Fire: A Drum Circle Gathering” invites you to join fellow campers for an impromptu bardic and drum circle. Pagans and their families are encouraged to come together for a magical evening where the beats of drums blend with the crackling flames of a campfire. All campers and their children are invited to bring their own musical instruments, stories, chants, and songs as this circle is open for all to join in the revelry. Do you have a favorite chant or song? Come share with the PCR community and let the rhythm take us away. Stay around the fire as long as you wish, keeping the rhythm going into the night. The theme, “Make a Wish,” infuses the air with hope and magic, as each beat resonates with the dreams and aspirations of all. “Whispers of the Fire” is more than a drum circle; it’s a journey into the heart of our pagan community, where ancient and contemporary intertwine in a celebration of shared spirituality. Join us for a night of rhythmic enchantment, where the fire whispers secrets and wishes take flight on the beats.

Meet Chelsea Osbon, the Director of Pagan Community Retreat for 2023-2024. Her unique blend of Witchcraft and Druidry reflects a holistic approach to spirituality, emphasizing the interconnectedness of nature, magic, and community.
Introducing Jeffrey Albaugh, a Witch and Teacher whose life is a vibrant tapestry woven with threads of magic and a deep appreciation for the arts. Jeffrey has an unwavering passion for the mystical and a commitment to sharing that enthusiasm with others.
Meet PCR Founder, Jennifer Morris, who weaves tales that captivate the imagination and carry the wisdom of generations. Her knowledge of witchcraft and paganism enriches our community. Her journey is an ode to the power of storytelling, the magic of nature, and the enduring bonds that tie us all together.

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