Pacific Circle Revival (PCR) was brought to life in 2014 by founders David Littlesprout, Jennifer Morris, Kandy Crenshaw, and Chaw Moon-Starwell. In honor and reverence to the original Pacific Circle and it’s creator, Ellen Cannon Reed, they sought to create a new interest in celebrating the Summer Solstice in the outdoors. The goal was to capture the spirit, love & goodwill of the present Pagan/Wicca/Witch community and bring them to meet in nature. They did not claim this event as being the original “Pacific Circle”, but saw it as the revival of a community circle on the West Coast, therefore, we named it Pacific Circle Revival. It is his hope that the event will grow in spirit & community.
David asked Jennifer Morris to help him get PCR off the ground. Her contacts, organizational experience, and hard work were indispensable to the formation of this summer solstice camp out. Jennifer held the director role until the committee was formed and wrote the original rules, hold harmless, and camping guidelines that we have built upon over the years. All four founders provided the initial funds and organizational support early on to solidify what PCR would become. David, Jennifer, Kandy, and Chaw left us inspired to carry forth the vision over the years!
The mission of Pacific Circle Revival which was established immediately following the 2014 event was bringing the pagan community together, in nature, for an enlightening, spiritual, and educational camping experience enjoyed by pagans and their families at Summer Solstice.
The Change to Pagan Community Retreat (PCR)
In 2021, PCR was unable to conduct the event in Bandido Group Campground in the Angeles National Forest. That location had been our home since 2014, but caution due to the continued threat of the COVID 19 pandemic left the facility closed. We lucked out by stumbling onto a JEWEL of a location at Down-to-Earth Ecoshire in Sage, CA. The Ecoshire is amazing, the owners and staff are kindred spirits. It is ideal in all ways but one. At the summer solstice, it is unbearably hot. The committee was asked many times by campers to keep the location and change the date. It was also the overwhelming sentiment on the 2021 survey.
Changing a mission statement is easy. The committee agreed that this location was worth the change of focus. The stewards of the land are about renewing the land and this fits so well with our own values. Only one problem. Our namesake, Pacific Circle was a Summer Event. It was most often (from the stories we’ve been told) in Angeles Crest Forest. That location is special. It’s steeped in tradition and you can feel it on the site. We didn’t want to abscond with the name (even though most folks call us PCR) when such key details were changing. In the fall of 2021, the committee officially voted to change our official to Pagan Community Retreat but we expect to continue to be known as PCR.
The Legal Stuff
Pagan Community Retreat is an unincorporated non-profit association.
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